It is a request for asylum in another country due to persecution experienced in a person’s own country or the risk of harm in the future. By applying for asylum, a person can escape the risky situation in his own country and seek refuge in another country for a safe life.
What is the Most İmportant Document in an Asylum Application?
The most important document in an asylum application is your written statement. In this written statement, you are expected to narrate in detail the events that support your asylum claim. In addition to the written statement, other supporting documents for the asylum application are also important.
How Will Immigration Law Change if Trump is Elected?
If Donald Trump is re-elected in 2024, significant changes in U.S. border policies are expected. Trump had pursued strict immigration policies during his first term and plans to tighten these policies further if elected for a second term.
Azerbaycanda Sıxışdırılmış İdarəetmə və Amerikanın Azadlıqçı İdarəetməsi: Miqrasiyanın Səbəbləri
Azerbaycan, Sovet İttifaqının dağılmasından sonra müstəqillik qazandı və sürətlə iqtisadi artım yaşadı. Lakin, bu artım siyasi azadlıqların və insan hüquqlarının inkişafı ilə paralel getmədi.
Azərbaycanlı LGBT+ Şəxslər Niyə Amerikaya Sığınır?
2024-cü il ərzində Azərbaycanda LGBT+ qarşı düşmənçilik hadisələri olduqca narahatedici səviyyədə davam etdi. Ölkədə LGBT+ şəxslərə qarşı zorakılıq, ayrı-seçkilik və təcavüz halları artaraq sürür.
Getting a Green Card Through Marriage in the U.S.: An Exciting Journey
Obtaining a green card through marriage in the U.S. isn’t just a serious and formal process; it’s also an exciting journey towards a new life. In this blog post, we will explore the intricacies of getting a marriage green card in the U.S. in a fun and engaging way.